As members of Homestead:

We hold our dignity and self-respect above all else. Ethical business principles underpin our business activities.

Our management style respects the individual. We believe that each of us has the right to learn about issues that affect us and to voice our opinions on these. We regard it our duty, as well as our right, to challenge our personal limits and develop our abilities.

We believe that quality is a way of life. In all that we do, in every product and service we provide, we aim for the highest level of quality. Our customer is the focal point of this pursuit of quality.

We are open to the world and to change; by nature we are pioneering and entrepreneurial. The search to innovate in every area of activity is a fundamental aspect of our corporate tradition.

We uphold the tradition of serving our community because we esteem our society and respect our environment. We are proud of the contributions that we have made to culture and the arts, education, science and sports.

We recognize that participatory management gives each of us the responsibility of working forcefully towards the objectives and goals of our institution. We are careful to observe the rules of our work environment as we understand that this reflects our respect for our colleagues.


Our innovation strategy

From its earliest days, Homestead has recognized the value of creative and original ideas. For us, innovation is a corporate culture that is sustainable, measurable and manageable and that enables us to keep one step ahead from the competition. Hence, we strive continually to develop this culture in a systematic manner.

We see innovation as an integral part of our daily lives, something that affects all our business processes, independent of our job descriptions. Successful innovation, we believe is the most creative solution to a consumer’s real need. By looking at life, our environment and our products through the eyes of consumers, we are able to take an innovative approach to every stage of the product development journey from conception to launch.

Recognizing the many ways that innovation and sustainability are complementary, we pursue our creative process in ways that minimize our environmental impact. By including our business partners in this process, we strive to develop products and services that create the most value for consumers and facilitate sustainable development.

Innovation for Everyone

For the Homestead, innovation and value creation are inseparable. Every innovation should contribute new value to our companies and all our stakeholders. Additionally, we must make innovation and value creation a continual and sustainable process.

Innovation for Consumers

The consumer is always at the center of our innovation efforts. Successful innovation requires that we make a difference, which we achieve by designing and producing goods and services that respond to our customers’ values but exceed their expectations. Our approach starts with the customer and is based on value innovation. It involves spending much more time with our customers, so as to observe their habits and behavior patterns and understand and measure their passions. We then develop products that address these findings.

Innovation for our Group

We know that innovation is the only way to differentiate our business and ensure its survival in today’s highly competitive economic environment. We also know that innovations do not happen by accident or chance, which is why we approach innovation as a repeatable disciplined process. Innovation is one of the Homestead’s top priorities, and accordingly, we coordinate and manage it at the highest level just as we do production, marketing, sales, finance, information technology, and corporate communications. By employing the value creating practices of unconventional methods, we strive to ensure that the Homestead is as competitive and powerful in the future as it is today.

Innovation for our Employees

We benefit from the power of innovation not only in the design of our products and services but also in the shaping of our processes and ways of doing business. Using diverse and effective methods, we create inspiring work environments that are both enjoyable and productive. We consider it essential for the success of our innovation that we have human resources who are able to think from different perspectives and an approach that encourages everyone’s participation, because we firmly believe that a company can only be as creative as its employees. Hence, we develop our human resource and communication policies accordingly.